Support for Learning

Support for Learning

Nurturing Your Child's Learning Journey: A Guide for Parents

As parents, we hold a significant role in shaping our children's educational journey. We serve as their role models, teachers, and curators of the environments in which they learn and grow. In their early years, we provide them with experiences that sharpen their mental faculties. Moreover, we equip them with the necessary resources and materials to expand their knowledge, fuel their imagination, challenge their intellect, and propel their cognitive development to new heights.

Parents as Guides, Not Just Teachers

While learning is often portrayed as a process where an expert imparts knowledge to a student, true and effective learning thrives through social interaction, fostering a dynamic exchange between individuals. As parents, we establish our child's first relationship, and through this connection, they learn to navigate the world. Later on, as they develop relationships with peers, caregivers, and educators, they continue to glean wisdom from these interactions.

It's essential to perceive ourselves not only as teachers but as guides in our child's educational journey. By aligning daily activities with our child's interests and encouraging them through questioning, we can ignite their passion for learning. Sarah Landy, in "Pathways to Competence," suggests that effective learning occurs when caregivers build upon a child's natural curiosity and inborn passion for learning. During the early years, play serves as the most potent vehicle for learning. Introducing formal curricula or enforced learning structures at this stage can potentially disrupt a child's natural development and hinder their ability to engage in more complex learning later on.

Balancing Autonomy and Support

Children are inherently self-motivated and self-directed learners. They require both freedom and guidance from adults to flourish. Striking the right balance between granting autonomy for exploration and providing the necessary structure and support is crucial. As parents, we can establish this structure by helping our children connect new experiences with familiar ones, thereby ensuring a seamless transition in their development—a concept introduced by Vygotsky as the "zone of proximal development."

Observation of our child's developmental stage, interests, active participation in their activities, and constructive feedback are paramount to their continuous progress. Our enthusiasm for their intellectual growth plays a pivotal role in encouraging their exploration and learning. As Sousa mentions in "How the Brain Learns," prompt, specific, and corrective feedback significantly enhances a child's willingness to process information, make corrections, and persist until they achieve success.

Creating Optimal Learning Conditions

Before my daughter Emi was born, I witnessed a profound parenting moment in Japan that left an indelible mark. A mother changed her baby's diaper with extraordinary care, considering her baby's comfort at every step. She used cloth diapers because they felt better against the baby's skin and meticulously folded them to eliminate any rough spots. This simple act, centered on the baby's well-being, has stayed with me throughout my parenting journey.

To provide our children with optimal conditions for learning, we must view the world from their perspective. Understanding both their internal and external needs is critical. The quality of their learning environment significantly impacts their learning experiences. A tidy, orderly, and accommodating setting that respects their unique requirements is conducive to their growth. We must consider factors such as their preference for noise levels, lighting conditions, and temperature comfort.

In addition to external conditions, their internal state is vital. Ensuring our children are healthy, secure, and well-rested is paramount. Sick children are preoccupied with restoring their health, leaving little room for learning. Providing them with proper nourishment, movement, fresh air, and sensory stimulation is essential. Security fosters an environment where they can direct their attention outward, gaining valuable experiences that boost self-esteem and self-regulation.

Tools for Learning

In addition to guiding and optimizing conditions, children require tools to aid their learning. Some of these tools are internal, while others are external. Engaging our children in activities that foster the development of these internal mental tools, such as memory, focus, logic, symbolic thinking, and language, is essential. Furthermore, external tools, including toys and play materials, support, encourage, and enrich their mental development.

According to Vygotsky's research, mental tools expand a child's mental capabilities in the same way physical tools extend physical abilities. Children initially rely on instinctive and reactive lower mental functions, but as they mature, they transition to higher mental functions, enabling purposeful and deliberate actions. These tools empower them to read, write, plan, strategize, cooperate, and engage in abstract and creative thinking.

Toys play a pivotal role in enhancing these mental tools. When selecting toys for our children, we should prioritize safety, opting for natural materials, simplicity, familiarity, size and age-appropriateness, and versatility that spans different developmental stages. Encouraging our children to take care of their toys, keep them organized, and periodically rotate them ensures they remain engaged and stimulated.

Stimulating Activities and Toys

To facilitate our child's learning, we must provide them with a variety of stimulating activities and toys that cater to their sensory, motor, social, communicative, cognitive, creative, and naturalist development. These activities include offering diverse textures for tactile stimulation, creating safe spaces for free movement, encouraging interaction through storytelling and games, fostering communication through reading and conversation, and stimulating cognitive development through puzzles and problem-solving.

By nurturing our children's natural development, serving as their guides, creating optimal learning conditions, providing essential tools, and offering stimulating activities and toys, we empower them to realize their full potential. As parents, we hold the keys to unlocking a world of endless possibilities for our children's educational journey.


The content of this article originally appeared in Grow Healthy. Grow Happy. The Whole Baby Guide. The suggestions and ideas in this book are not intended to take the place of professional guidance or treatment; they are meant to complement the advice of your child's health care provider, caretakers, and educators, while offering consolidated information to help you develop your intuition and make choices that fit with your own personal, religious, or spiritual philosophies. There is no guarantee as to the effects of the use of the recommendations and no liabilities can be taken. 

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